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Developer: ISO 10303
Extension(s): STEP, STP, STPZ
AP203 format support: solid, surface, wireframe
AP214 format support: solid, surface, wireframe, and assemblies
AP242 format support: solid, surface, mesh, wireframe, and assemblies
Versions: all
Developer: ANSI Y14.26M
IGES,IGS format support: solid, surface, wireframe, drawings, and assemblies
Developer: 3D Systems
Format support: polygon mesh
Developer: Kubotek Corporation
KCM (Kosmos Core Model) format support: solid, surface, wireframe, polygon mesh
KFW (Kosmos Facets & Wires) format support: wireframe, polygon mesh (lightweight 3D)
Versions: up to 6.0
Developer: Spatial Corp. (Dassault Systemes)
Extension(s): SAT, SAB
Support: 3D solid, surface, and wireframe
Versions: R2024-R2016, R25-1.5
Developer: Siemens PLM Software
Extension(s): X_T, X_B
Support: 3D solid, surface, and wireframe, assemblies
Versions: 37.0 - 7.0
Developer: buildingSmart, ISO 16739-1
IFC format support: Building Information Modeling (BIM) data - assemblies, solids, and meshes
Versions: 4, 2x3, 2x4
Developer: ISO 14306 (HP, Siemens DIS)
JT format support: solids, polygon mesh
Versions: 10.10 - 8.0
The Quality Information Framework format is an ISO standard file for 3D product manufacturing and inspection data.
Developer: ISO 23952 (DMSC)
QIF format support: solids/surfaces, wires
Versions: 3.0
Developer: Dassault Systemes
CGR format support: polygon mesh
V6 / 3DExperience
Developer: PTC
PRT format support: 3D solid, surface, and wireframe
ASM format support: Assemblies
Versions: 11.0 - 1.0, plus Wildfire (all) and Pro/E 2001 - 16
Developer: Siemens Digital Industries Software
PRT format support: 3D solid, surface, and wireframe, assemblies
Versions: 2406 - 1847, 12 - 1, plus UG 18-11
Developer: SolidWorks (Dassault Systemes)
SLDPRT format support: 3D solid, surface, and configurations
SLDASM format support: Assemblies
Versions: 2025 - 98
Developer: Autodesk
F3D format support: solids/surfaces
Versions: up to 2.0.19994
IPT format support: 3D solid, surface, and wireframe
IAM format support: Assemblies
Versions: 2025 - 2008, 11 - 6
PAR format support: 3D solid, surface
ASM format support: assemblies
PSM format support: 3D Solid (sheet metal)
Import versions: 2025 - 2019, ST10 - ST6, V18
Developer: CNC Software
Extension(s): MCAM, MCX
Support: 3D solids only
Versions: 2024 - 2017, 4-9
Developers: Autodesk and Open Design Alliance
DWG format support: Drawings, wireframe, and 3D models
DXF format support: Drawings, wireframe, and 3D models
Versions: 2018 to 2.5
CATDrawing format support: drawings
Versions: V5 R34 - 7, V4 4.1.5 - 4.2.4
SLDDRW format support: drawings
Versions: 2025 - 2009
Developer: PTC Inc.
DRW format support: drawings
Versions: 11.0 - 1.0
PRT format support: embedded drawings
Versions: 2406 - 1847, 12 -1
DFT format support: drawings
Versions: 2025 - 2024
3 display modes are provided; shaded, wireframe (edges only), and shaded with 50% transparency. Faces with transparency properties in the original model will remain transparent in shaded mode.
To help users feel at home moving around the viewport, available settings modes allow quick setup of mouse-based view manipulation to match the default setup of major vendors. Certified support for 3Dconnexion motion controllers is also included.
(non-mobile platforms only)
All of the contents of files are listed in text form in a collapsible tree list. Highlighting is paired between the list and the graphics viewport to help find details.
The cutting plane function allows users to easily visualize the interior sections of complex parts. The DynaHandle axes can be cursor dragged, aligned to geometry on the model, or offset by user-entered distance or angles.
Support Model-based Definition (MBD) processes by reading Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) including 3D geometric tolerances from these formats:
Dassault CATIA versions: V6 3DXML, V5 R34 - 4, plus V4 4.1.5 - 4.2.5
PTC Creo versions: 11.0 – 1.0, plus Wildfire 1 - 5
Siemens DIS NX versions: 2406 - 1847, 1 - 12, plus UG V11.0
Dassault SolidWorks versions: 2025 – 2009
Autodesk Inventor versions: 2025 - 2018
STEP AP 242 versions: all
Quality Information Format (QIF) versions: 3
Jupiter Tessellation (JT) versions: up to 10.10
Kosmos Core Model (KCM) versions: 6
The Discover Assemblies option automatically discovers sets of geometrically identical 3D bodies. This capability can save time and potential errors when working with large assemblies which have been saved into a single CAD file.
The Bill of Materials option automatically creates a numbered table listing unique references or solids, their quantity, and name. A balloon annotation pointing to each part is also generated to help users identify each.
Access basic measurements and size/physical properties of entities from the part tree list or from pop-up tooltips in the graphics window. Parameter information of machined hole, constant radius fillet, and general chamfer geometric features are also provided. Sets of identical features are identified and listed as patterns.
Easily measure:
Mass Properties calculates the volume, center of mass, moments of inertia, etc. of bodies and assemblies in the units selected by the user.
This function colors the facets of solids according to their angle off of the user specified pull direction (axis). This supports finding undercuts or areas of the part which may be difficult to extract from a mold without special features or design changes.
Create 3D solid volumes around selected parts to determine packaging or stock material size requirements.
Save screen as PNG image capture or save 3D models in Kosmos KFW lightweight format (useful for mobile devices).
Generate standard PDF documents and print CAD files
Developer: Microsoft Corporation
Versions supported: Windows 10 & 11
Developer: Apple, Inc.
Versions: 10.12+
Developer: Open, Linus Torvalds
Versions supported: all
* Software lease in US dollars billed annually, visit the store or talk to a Kubotek Kosmos sales representative for details and additional licensing options.
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