This week's TechTipTuesday video provides a detailed example of quickly creating a solid from a photo image of a physical part and a few measurements.
#TechTipTuesdsay: Designing from an Image
Create a 3D model of a razor scraper
Start with a few measurements...
... and an image file
Import and scale the image
The image should be approximately the same size as the actual part...
... adjustments can be easily made to the solid model
Use a horizontal line to establish the centerline of the scraper
Draw 2D Profiles using the image as a template
The profiles will be used to generate the solid model
Profile 1/2 the part then mirror the profiles to ensure symmetry
Use blend splines to fill gaps in the profile that cross the centerline and are not vertical
Position and approximate the size on any holes
Actual sizes can be defined on the solid model
Use your elevation measurements to extrude the profiles into solid models
Use your profiles to cut and shape the design
Add chamfers and blends
Establish the thickness of the part
Cut out holes, slots and pockets
Use dimension driven edits to adjust the design
Complete the design