Product and Technology Blog

Kubotek3D will be exhibiting at EASTEC 2021

Kubotek3D will be exhibiting at EASTEC 2021

We hope to see you at EASTEC 2021

Eastern States Exposition West Springfield, MA
October 19-21, 2021 BOOTH #5028


If you are planning to attend EASTEC 2021, we hope you can stop by our booth to learn about our new KeyCreator products and our K-Compare Revision applications. We'd love to show you how our Manufacturing CAD products can maximize your re-use of CAD data and reaction speed to unpredictable design changes, and how we might be able to help with your 3D technology needs.


About EASTEC 2021

EASTEC 2021, the largest Northeast manufacturing trade show, will be held at the Eastern States Exposition in West Springfield, Massachusetts. EASTEC will be showcasing its future in leading-edge industries such as aerospace, medical devices, automotive, industrial equipment, and defense.

  • EASTEC, the leading Northeast manufacturing trade show, has been providing solutions to manufacturing challenges for more than 35 years.
  • EASTEC attendees come from a variety of industries including Aircraft and Aerospace, Automotive, Medical, Defense, Industrial and Commercial Machinery, and more.
  • EASTEC exhibitors have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with over 13,000 attendees, of which 76% have a role in purchasing decisions with 32% having manufacturing equipment budgets of more than $200,000.

We hope to see you there!


